This week in What’s Happening in Brazil, the worsening health crisis due to the spread of the novel coronavirus is made worse by the head of State himself. Last Sunday, Jair Bolsonaro incited an anti-democracy protest in the capital Brasília, in which he ignored all sanitary guidelines to combat covid-19 by not wearing a mask, greeting supporters up close and drawing a large gathering of people.
In contrast to the dangerous and inflammatory actions undertaken by the president, social movements all over Brazil are uniting through deeds of solidarity, intended on helping those most vulnerable in society. Get to know one of these groups and see what is being done by rural workers,
to help out their poor brethren in urban areas in our Story of the Week segment.
In this week’s Culture Talk, understand how the cultural segment in Brazil has taken huge hit because of the onset of the crisis caused by the coronavirus, and what artists, backstage and logistics workers who currently have no gigs are doing to make it through this difficult period. Without any formal employment ties, many are turning to the federal government for assistance.
Finally, in our last and tastiest segment, Brazilianism, learn how to make a delicious desert from a local fruit that is almost extinct, and listen to some funky beats from an artist that belongs to one of Brazil’s musical dynasties.
All What's Happening in Brazil episodes are available at Brasil de Fato’s YouTube channel, where you'll also find a special English-content playlist.
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