This week in What’s Happening in Brazil, we take a look at two major victories for the Brazilian people, and considerable defeats for the Jair Bolsonaro government and their ultra right, neo-liberal ideology. The National Congress approved two measures of great import during their sessions this week. The first guarantees the continuation of the National Education Development Fund, one of the major sources of funding for public education in the country. The second, was the passage of a bill assuring small family farmers get access to emergency assistance funds during the pandemic. Both proposals faced opposition from the president’s cabinet.
In our Culture Talk segment, we delve into Brazil’s struggling cinema industry, through the eyes of one of its most influential female icons. Trying to shift paradigms in the male dominated sector, Anna Muylaert talks about her 25 year career, the current state of affairs for filmmakers and how women’s issues are universal.
Our Story of the Week features an in depth analysis of the situation faced by residents of the impoverished areas of the nation’s capital, Brasília. Unable to socially isolate due to the necessity to work, and unable to do so from home, people living in the most vulnerable of conditions face a double whammy of challenges amid the pandemic.
Finally, as is a tradition on our show, learn a delicious local recipe, and listen to some amazing Brazilian tunes in our Brazilianism segment.
All What's Happening in Brazil episodes are available at Brasil de Fato's YouTube channel, where you'll also find a special English-content playlist.
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