This week, in What’s Happening in Brazil, we take a look at president Jair Bolsonaro’s address to the 75th United Nations General Assembly. For the first time in history, the gathering took place virtually, due to restrictions stemming from the novel coronavirus pandemic. In a prerecorded speech, the Brazilian head of State blamed “indians and peasants” for the environmental disaster the country is facing, as well as ignoring the more than 138 thousand of his people who died from covid-19.
Our Story of the Week highlights how members of isolated indigenous and traditionalist communities, often ignored by the state and with no access to its services, are innovating in order to ensure the health of their inhabitants amid the covid-19 outbreak. See what this pioneering effort entails and how it is benefiting the people who literally dwell on the edges of society.
Our Culture Talk segment showcases the work of environmentalist filmmaker Rafa Calil. His latest work titled “People of the Forest”, is an in depth portrayal of the people living in the Chico Mendes reservation. Chico Mendes, a well known defender of the rights of indigenous peoples and the Amazon rain forest, was murdered 30 years ago. However, as is shown in the film, his legacy lives on and helps these communities in their struggle against some of the same issues he faced three decades ago.
Finally, our Brazilianism segment wraps things up with a delicious local recipe and some authentic Brazilian music. Enjoy!
All What's Happening in Brazil episodes are available at Brasil de Fato's YouTube channel, where you'll also find a special English-content playlist.
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