This week, in What’s Happening in Brazil, our Story of the Week investigates a brutal attack against family farmers that occurred in the state of Goiás. Airplanes allegedly belonging to large scale farmers involved in a land dispute with poor rural families, flew above a Rural Landless Workers’ encampment spraying pesticides over the residents. The onslaught was reported by the Pastoral Land Commission of the state of Goiás, and now residents await helplessly for authorities to investigate the matter.
Our News Update this week takes a look at the recent election for the next leaders of the Federal Congress’ chambers. Candidates backed by president Jair Bolsonaro were victorious in both the House of Representatives and Senate, after machinations the opposition denounces as vote buying.
Also in our latest news, get to know the Kalunga people, who are comprised of dozens of tradionalist farming communities founded by runaway slaves. Caretakers of the “cerrado”, these men and women were recently given the title of TICCA community by the United Nations environmental program, the first ever such recognition be bestowed in Brazil.
In our Culture Talk segment, we will introduce you to Iemanjá, a powerful figure in Brazilian spiritual life, and one of the principal deities in Afro-Brazilian spiritual traditions. In a recent book, artist and illustrator Marlene Crespo tells the story of a girl who rekindles her connection to the past through the power of this Orixá.
Lastly, keeping up with the show’s tradition, in our Brazilianism segment we will introduce you to a local artist and showcase some quality tunes, as well as teach you a delicious and easy to follow Brazilian recipe. Enjoy the show!
All What's Happening in Brazil episodes are available at Brasil de Fato's YouTube channel, where you'll also find a special English-content playlist.
Partners who wish to include a longer version of the show in their schedule may contact our international team at [email protected] or send a WhatsApp message to +55 11 993 055 156.
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