VIDEO | Vaccination process lags as number of coronavirus deaths rise

Also featured: The state of Acre faces multiple crises and a ravaged ecosystems begins a slow recovery

Brasil de Fato | São Paulo |
Journalist Pamela Oliveira hosts our weekly English-language show featuring the latest news and fun facts about Brazil - Screen capture/Brasil de Fato

This week in What’s Happening in Brazil, we investigate the reasons behind the Brazilian government’s lackluster response to the coronavirus, and how this has reeked havoc in some parts of the country. All the while, though vaccines are already available for distribution, the process has been slow and confusing, having reached only three percent of the population so far.

In our Story of the Week segment, we’ll take a look at how an ecosystem that was severely destroyed by wildfires last year is slowly recovering due to combined efforts by civil society and indigenous groups. All the while, the Federal government remains aloof and neglectful towards the severity of the situation.

Our Culture Talk segment this week showcases the plight of a musical theory doctoral candidate who is striving to make a once shunned and looked down upon musical style, funk, a mainstay within musical academia.

Lastly, in our Brazilianism segment, we will introduce you to a band with a very unique concept, and teach you a delicious local recipe. Enjoy the show!

All What's Happening in Brazil episodes are available at Brasil de Fato's YouTube channel, where you'll also find a special English-content playlist.

Partners who wish to include a longer version of the show in their schedule may contact our international team at [email protected] or send a WhatsApp message to +55 11 993 055 156.

For more news about Brazil and our region, visit our website.

Edited by: Daniel Lamir