With popularity rates plummeted and under pressure from a covid-19 parliamentary inquiry, Jair Bolsonaro is reshaping his cabinet and seeing some old friends in the distance. The far right Brazilian president is in one of the weakest moments of his government.
Discontent does not only come from the left or the center, but even from sectors on the right that rallied alongside Bolsonaro in the last presidential elections.
“Bolsonaro proved to be an extremely unprepared person, a liar, a charlatan. The current government was jeopardized by political alliances”, says the right-wing congress member Alexandre Frota.
Senator Ciro Nogueira, a leader of the centre-right Progressives Party, was picked by Bolsonaro as his new chief of staff. Nogueira belongs to the same party as House Speaker Arthur Lira, who refuses to open impeachment procedings against the current president.
Read more: The burning of a statue brought to light the permanence of Brazil’s history of colonization
On the pandemic front, Brazil still eventually records more than 1,000 deaths per day for covid-19. With only 20% of the population fully vaccinated, the immunization campaign had to be suspended on several occasions due to a lack of vaccines.
On the culture segment, we have a piece about the irish lace and a music from Brinsan N'tchalá, a brazilian song with afrobeat roots.
Every episode for What's Happening in Brazil is available at Brasil de Fato's YouTube channel, where you'll also find a special English-content playlist. Partners who wish to include a longer version of the show in their schedule may contact our international team at [email protected]
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