The Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation, known as Embrapa, is a state company working on researching and developing technologies aimed at farming producers. However, the company’s workers and parliamentarians complain that Embrapa is being used to benefit big agribusiness companies.
"In the past, the corporation's board of directors had workers responsible for maintaining communication between Embrapa and society. Today, there is only the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Economy. It ends up limiting the company to one area. It should primarily focus on trade balance products and agricultural commodities", says Dione Melo, from Embrapa Workers Union.
In the city of São Paulo, excavations for the construction of a new subway line revealed an archeological treasure: objects that belonged to a quilombo located in the neighborhood known as Bixiga.
Also, on What's Happening in Brazil: listen to the reggae band Ambulantes. The group has a 15-year history. Their music’s main feature is that women lead the vocals.
All What's Happening in Brazil episodes are available at Brasil de Fato's YouTube channel, where you'll also find a special English-content playlist. Partners who wish to include a longer version of the show in their schedule may contact our international team at [email protected].
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