Brazilian president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (Workers' Party) was once again the main attraction of the traditional May 1st act, organized in São Paulo by the trade union centrals, this Monday (1st). In his speech, the head of state again spoke of a real increase in the minimum wage in Brazil, announced last Sunday (30), celebrated by trade unionists and political leaders.
"We have once again instituted a real salary increase above inflation. From now on, the worker will receive, in addition to inflation, the average GDP growth, as we did when I was president (for the first time). When the minimum wage increases, it is not just the worker who earns the minimum that benefits. Because having more money, the worker buys more. Trade market will generate jobs and will order things from industry. The industry will generate jobs and the giant wheel of economics starts to turn. Even the richest gain from raising the minimum wage,” he said.
Reajustou 💸
O presidente Lula confirmou o reajuste do salário mínimo de R$ 1.302 para R$ 1.320 e a isenção do imposto de renda para quem recebe até R$ 2.640.
Ele relembrou sua meta de, até o fim do mandato, estabelecer o valor de R$ 5.000 para a isenção do IR.#BrasildeFato
— Brasil de Fato (@brasildefato) May 1, 2023
Tweet: "Readjusted. President Lula confirmed the readjustment of the minimum wage from $259 to $263 and the exemption from income tax for those earning up to $527. He recalled his goal, by the end of his term, to establish a value of $998 for exemption from income tax. #BrasildeFato"
Lula revealed a plan for the next year. "We are studying, who knows, for the next year, that in the same way that the boss, who earns millions, does not pay tax on profit, that the worker does not pay tax on profit sharing also", said the president.
The president also did not shy away from criticizing once again the interest rate policy of the Brazilian Central Bank, chaired by Roberto Campos Neto. "The interest rate does not control inflation, it controls the unemployment rate," he complained.
He also mentioned the right to health, especially access to specialist doctors. "We are going to guarantee that poor people in this country have the right to a specialist doctor so they don't die with a prescription on their bedside."
Lula thanked the victory in the 2022 election, which enshrined him for the third term in the Planalto Palace and imposed the end of the desire of former president Jair Bolsonaro (Liberal Party), to have four more years at the helm of the country.
"You've given me another chance. I want to prove to you my commitment to people who work hard all day, who get up at 5 am, who walk two hours on foot or by bus, who take a cramped train or a crowded subway to take some money home. And these people often cannot earn enough for basic food. For we are going to change this country," said Lula, who will work for gender pay equity.
"Women have to earn the same salary as men if they do the same job," he said, citing Bill 1085/23 forwarded by the Executive, which guarantees payment by employers of equal wages for men and women who work the same function.
"What they do to our women at work, on their way to work, in transport, is shameless. In many economic activities, women are stronger and more courageous than men", explained the president.
In a short speech, Lula said that he is "inviting foreign businessmen to invest in Brazil. We are showing them the big projects that we are going to present in the third PAC [Growth Acceleration Plan]. It will be the biggest infrastructure works project in this country. Then we will generate jobs again", he promised.
The president of Brazil also promised investment in Education. "Here in São Paulo we are going to inaugurate the Federal University of ABC in São Bernardo, the Federal University of Osasco and we are going to start building the federal university in the east zone. When [Minister Fernando] Haddad was mayor, he donated the land. I will start and finish this university in my term," he said.
Finally, Lula asked workers to become "soldiers against fake news. We cannot allow lies to continue to prevail in this country. Every comrade who has a cell phone needs to be careful, not sending false messages, it is not ok to pass on false information that could harm a person."
Lula contra a fake news
"Foi a verdade que derrotou o ex-presidente da República", disse Lula em ato do Dia do Trabalhador em São Paulo.
O presidente lembrou a tentativa de golpe de 8 de janeiro e disse que "todas as pessoas que tentaram dar o golpe serão presas".
— Brasil de Fato (@brasildefato) May 1, 2023
Tweet: "Lula against fake news. 'It was the truth that defeated the former president of the Republic,' said Lula at an event on Workers' Day in São Paulo. The president recalled the January 8 coup attempt and said that 'all the people who tried to carry out the coup will be arrested'."
This Tuesday (May 2), the Brazilian House of Representatives is expected to vote on Bill 2360, known as the Fake News Bill. The final text of the act, reported by federal deputy Orlando Silva (Communist Party of Brazil) was filed in the House last Thursday (27).