Strengthening the new Family Grant (“Bolsa Família”, in Portuguese) program, the active search of people living under vulnerable conditions and boosting professional training and productive inclusion: these are some of the strategies adopted by the federal government in the Brazil Without Hunger Plan. It intends to get Brazil out of the Map of Hunger until 2030.
Over 80 measures and programs will be reunited in a single national articulation to tackle food insecurity and skyrocketing prices. The project has more than 100 objectives to guarantee poverty reduction, adequate food and social mobilization.
To guarantee proper food to families, the Plan will also boost production and financial incentives to family farming, provide rural producers with support, and build supply stockpiles and policies aimed at agroecology.
The idea is to encourage, too, mobilization to tackle hunger, boosting social participation and engaging popular movements. State and city governments will also have crucial roles.
In order to identify and monitor the population affected by hunger, the initiative will use data from the Mapping of Food and Nutritional Insecurity (Mapa/InSAN, in Portuguese) collected by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE, in Portuguese) and the Brazil Without Hunger Protocol.
The production of information, reports, indicators and results will be under the responsibility of a management committee, with social control guaranteed by the participation of the National Health Council (Consea, in Portuguese).
The articulation with states, cities, federal entities and popular movements will be led by the National Food and Nutritional Security System (Sisan, in Portuguese). The planning provides for caravans against hunger and joined strategies.
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