About 40 organizations and people’s movements handed over a letter to the Brazilian government proposing a People’s Summit at the 30th United Nations Climate Change Conference, which will happen in November 2025 in Belém, Pará’s capital city.
The document was handed over to President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (Workers’ Party) yesterday (03) by Maureen Santos, a representative of the Belém Letter Group, during COP28 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. In the document, the movements report the signatories' decision to build a "broad autonomous process of the organized civil society called the COP30 People's Summit".
Maureen Santos explains that the main goal will be to promote the debates that the organizations have been developing about climate justice. “Thinking about the Amazon, but connecting it with other Brazilian biomes and people’s struggles in the country, Latin America and global places,” she added.
The letter was handed over together with ministers, including Marcio Macedo, from the General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic; Marina Silva, minister of Environment and Climate Change; and Sônia Guajajara, minister of Indigenous Peoples.
“We acknowledge the historical and existing processes of building a convergence of peoples in Pan-Amazon, and the solidarity between the peoples of the world given the climate crisis impacts, which do not affect people equally,” reads the document.
“We are facing a situation with enormous challenges in a context of ecological, climate and civilizational crises. Faced with the advance of the far right in the world and contradictions that persist among other political spectrums, the climate debate is particularly crucial from the perspective of building shared struggles and advancing the process of interconnections between social movements, civil society networks and alliances.”
The organizations highlight the need for actively including organizations and forest peoples in debates and development of a climate policy. The organizations also point out that the climate debate is crucial to establish common struggles, and to advance interconnections among social movements, networks and alliances of civil society.
Read the full letter below.
Towards the People’s Summit at COP 30
We, social movements and unions, people’s networks, women’s organizations, Indigenous and traditional peoples from the Brazilian Amazon and other Brazilian biomes undersigned met in Brasília between October 31 and November 1st, and decided to build a broad autonomous process of the organized civil society called the People's Summit at COP30.
The People’s Summit at COP 30 will reunite hundreds of civil society organizations demanding a common socio-environmental and climate agenda from the Brazilian government and the rest of the world. The next steps will be to expand this process and establish a calendar of struggles and activities that will be published aiming to build unity in diversity.
We acknowledge the historic and existing processes of building a convergence of peoples in Pan-Amazon, and the solidarity between the peoples of the world given the climate crisis impacts, which do not affect people equally.
We are facing a situation with enormous challenges in the context of ecological, climate and civilizational crises. Faced with the advance of the far right in the world and contradictions that persist among other political spectrums, the climate debate is particularly crucial from the perspective of building shared struggles and advancing the process of interconnections between social movements, civil society networks and alliances.
During the next two days, we will work to guarantee that the People’s Summit will continue the historical processes of people’s struggles in Latin America and to make COP30 – which will be held in Brazil in 2025 – a symbol of confronting the deep socio-environmental inequality and structural racism that we experience, plus advancing common policies to address the climate crisis.
Articulação dos Povos Indígenas do Brasil (APIB)
Associação Brasileira de Organizações Não Governamentais (ABONG)
Articulação de Mulheres Brasileiras (AMB)
Articulação Nacional de Agroecologia (ANA)
Articulação de Agroecologia da Amazônia (ANA Amazônia)
Assembleia Mundial pela Amazônia (AMA)
Campanha Nacional em Defesa do Cerrado
Central Única dos Trabalhadores (CUT)
Coalizão Negra por Direitos
Comissão Nacional de Fortalecimento das Populações Extrativistas (CONFREM)
Comitê Brasileiro de Defensores e Defensoras de Direitos Humanos (CBDDH)
Conselho Nacional de Juventudes pelo Clima e Meio Ambiente (CONJUCLIMA)
Coordenação das Organizações Indígenas da Amazônia Brasileira (COIAB)
Coordenação Nacional de Articulação de Quilombos (CONAQ)
Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores da Agricultura Familiar (CONTRAF)
Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores na Agricultura (CONTAG)
Frente Brasileira contra o Acordo UE-Mercosul e EFTA-Mercosul
Fórum Brasileiro de ONGs e Mov Sociais para Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento (FBOMS) Fórum Mudanças Climáticas e Justiça Socioambiental (FMCJS)
Fórum Social Pan-Amazônico (FOSPA)
Grupo Carta de Belém (GCB)
Grupo de Trabalho Amazônico (GTA)
Marcha Mundial das Mulheres (MMM) – Brasil
Movimento Escazu Brasil
Movimento dos Atingidos por Barragens (MAB)
Movimento de Mulheres Camponesas (MMC)
Movimento dos Pequenos Agricultores (MPA)
Movimento pela Soberania Popular na Mineração (MAM)
Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST)
Movimento dos Trabalhadores/as Sem Teto (MTST)
Rede Brasileira de Justiça Ambiental (RBJA)
Rede Brasileira pela Integração dos Povos (REBRIP)
Rede Cerrado
Rede Mata Atlântica
Rede Eclesial da Pan-Amazônica (REPAM)
Rede Nacional de Povos e Comunidades Tradicionais (RNPCT)
Observatório do Clima (OC)
União Nacional dos Estudantes do Brasil (UNE)
Teia Carta da Terra Brasil
Via Campesina Brasil