Thirty years after it emerged with the motto “Life First”, the Cry of the Excluded has much to celebrate. The space for denouncing the country's historic social inequalities brings together dozens of social movements and Catholic groups. To celebrate the anniversary, they are preparing a massive mobilization in various regions of the country on September 7, Brazil’s Independence Day, this year, under the motto “All lives matter. But who cares?”. The organizers presented the details on Tuesday (3).
Valdecir Santos Mendes, president of the Sociotransformation Commission of the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (CNBB, in Portuguese), highlighted the activity’s permanent and procedural nature, which involves the mobilization of dozens of communities across the country. “The cry is a process and, therefore, it is permanent. It must happen every day at every moment of our lives, and especially where communities are being threatened.”
He talked about his expectations for this year's mobilizations. “May this cry echo from the ground: from the ground of the traditional peoples, the Indigenous peoples, the ground of the outskirts of our cities, from the homeless people, from farmers, family farmers, from traditional fishermen. The cry is a commitment to life,” he said.
Alessandra Miranda, from the national coordination of the Cry of the Excluded, highlighted the process by which the activity is built, and the diversity of movements and organizations that join in its construction, united to overcome the system of exploitation that plagues society. According to her, this diversity poses challenges but also generates a wealth of good ideas and deep reflections on what to do.
“When we were discussing the theme of this year's Cry 2024, we really wanted to be able to ask ourselves this question first. All forms of life matter, but who cares? So, it's important for us, three decades later, to say: We do care. And we mean it because that’s our commitment, our testimony. Everything we've experienced in these 30 years reaffirms that we care, but we need to provoke those who don't care and who should care,” said Miranda.
The representative of the Pastoral Land Commission (CPT, in Portuguese), Lenora Rodrigues, brought to the discussion the serious violations of rights committed against traditional populations and people fighting for the right to land. According to her, the CPT recorded 21 land conflicts in the so-called Matopiba region alone, which comprises the states of Maranhão, Tocantins, Piauí and Bahia, in 2023. He mentioned the fight against the Time Frame Law (Marco temporal, in Portuguese) to demarcate Indigenous lands in Brazil, which will also be on the agenda of the Cry of the Excluded mobilizations across the country. “The CPT continues to stand firm with the peoples living from the lands, waters and forests. No to the cut-off point! This is an ancestral struggle, and it's a struggle for all of us,” she said.
Check out the dates, times and places where the Cry of the Excluded mobilizations have already been confirmed:
City: Porto Alegre
9/7 – Gathering and welcome at 8.30 a.m., Navegantes Square, 12, at Nossa Senhora dos Navegantes Church, followed by a walk through the areas affected by the flood.
Metropolitan Region of Porto Alegre
9/2 – Celebration of the 30 years of the Cry of the Excluded, online, at 7 p.m.
City: Pelotas
9/7 – from 8 a.m., at Kilombo Urbano Canto de Conexão, Benjamin Constant Street, 1327.
City: Curitiba
9/7 – Gathering at 8 a.m. in Garibaldi Square, in front of the Rosário Church (Nossa Senhora do Rosário dos Pretos Parish, in Largo da Ordem). Followed by a walk to Nossa Senhora da Luz dos Pinhais Cathedral, Tiradentes Square, where 1,000 meals will be distributed to homeless people.
City: Joinville
9/7 – Gathering at 3.30 p.m. in the parish community of São Domingos Sávio, with a presentation of this year's theme, followed by a walk towards the community of Nossa Senhora dos Migrantes, where there will be a time to share a snack and the community Mass at 6 p.m. will end the event.
Archdiocese of Manaus
9/5 – From 3 p.m. at Praça da Saudade
City: Belém
9/7 – Gathering from 8 a.m. at the Boulevard da Gastronomia Square, in front of the Docas Station, followed by a walk through Ver-o-Peso to the Dom Pedro II Square.
City: Macapá
9/7 – Mass at 7.30 a.m. in the Mary Mother of the Church Community, followed by a walk to Cristo Bom Pastor Church.
City: Rio Branco
9/7 – Gathering at, Saudade Square, celebration at 4 p.m., followed by a walk around the cathedral and final mysticism act.
City: Boa Vista
9/7 – São Bento Community, Pricumã Square, at 4.30 p.m.
City: Porto Velho/Archdiocese
9/7 – Concentration at 4 p.m. in the São Lucas community, followed by a walk to the Rainha da Paz Community, Fortaleza Neighborhood.
City: Vitória
9/7 – Gathering at 8 a.m. in Portal do Príncipe Square near the Vitória bus station.
City: Rio de Janeiro
9/7 – Gathering starting at 10 a.m. on the corner of Uruguaiana Street and Presidente Vargas Avenue, followed by a walk to Mauá Square.
City: Jacarepaguá territory
9/7 – Debate in partnership with PVNC Padre Roberto Barbosa de Melo and Pastoral Afro-Brasileira at 9.30 a.m. From 1.30 p.m. to 3.30 p.m. with speakers, historians, social activists discussing on the contexts of excluded peoples.
City: Belo Horizonte
9/7 – Gathering starting at 9.30 a.m. at Praça Vaz de Mello, in Lagoinha, behind the bus station, followed by a walk to the Sete de Setembro Square.
City: Montes Claros
9/7 – Rally at 8 a.m. at the Luizinha Gonçalves Social Center at D Street, 119, Vila Atlântida Neighborhood.
City: Pouso Alegre
9/7 – Salvador José Bento Square at 9am.
City:São Paulo – Sé Square
9/7 – Gathering at 9 a.m.
City: São Paulo – Oswaldo Cruz Square
9/7 – Rally at 9am, followed by a walk.
City: Mogi das Cruzes
9/7 – Eucharistic celebration at 9am in the Carmo church followed by a walk to the Rosário square and a public act at 11am.
ABCDMRR Region/Diocese of Santo André
9/7 – Concentration at the Diadema Mother Church, located at Rua Agostinho Bertolli, s/n, Centro, Diadema, at 8am.
City: Aparecida
9/7 – Gathering of pilgrims and Cry of the Excluded demonstrators in Nossa Senhora Aparecida Square, in front of the Historic Basilica, at 6 a.m. Mystical prayer in front of the Historic Basilica at 7 a.m. Walk to the Shrine of Our Lady of Aparecida.
Mass presided over by Dom Otacílio Ferreira de Lacerda, Bishop of the Diocese of Guanhães, Minas Gerais at 9 a.m. Act of the 30th Cry of the Excluded at the Benedict XVI Tribune at 10 a.m.
City: Campinas
9/7 – Gathering at 9 a.m, Largo do Pará, on Francisco Glicerio Avenue.
City: Presidente Prudente
9/6 – Gathering at 9 a.m. at Galpão da Lua, Julio Tiezzi Street, followed by a walk through the city center and Manoel Goulart Avenue. At 11 a.m., a political rally for popular agrarian reform in the FCT/ENESP auditorium. Public hearing with parliamentarians and authorities to discuss the issue of public lands in Pontal do Paranapanema.
9/7 – During the Agrarian Reform Fair, which also takes place in Júlio Tiezzi Street, between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m., there will be an ecumenical act and a performance of the show Democraceria, by Trupe Olho da Rua.
City: Itupeva – Diocese of Jundiaí
9/7 – St. João Paulo II Community, Barão da Boa Vista, at 3 p.m.
City: Aracaju
9/7 – Gathering at 8 a.m. at the Cathedral, Downtown. Followed by an interfaith event at 9 a.m. and a walk to Barão de Maruim Avenue.
Salgado – Diocese of Estância
1st September – 3rd Cry for kids, young people and teenagers.
City: Salvador
9/6 – VIII Gritinho da Suburbana at Associação Vinte de Novembro, Bairro Paripe/Cocisa.
9/7 – Gathering at 8:30 a.m. in the Campo Grande neighborhood.
9/14 – At 3 p.m., 20th Grito Mirim Erês, CAPDEVER – Motumbaxé, Sussuarana.
City: Maceió
9/7 – Gathering at 9 a.m. at CEEL – Parque da Lagoa, Bebedouro, followed by a walk in the areas affected by the Braskem crime.
City: São Luís
9/7 – Rally at 6.40 a.m. at the São Francisco de Assis Sanctuary, Conjunto Boa Vista, followed by a walk.
City: Fortaleza
9/7 – Gathering at 2 p.m. in dos Mártires Square/Public Promenade – Downtown.
Russas – Diocese of Limoeiro do Norte
9/7 – Gathering at 6 a.m. at Chapéu Music.
City: Recife
9/7 – Gathering at 9 a.m. in Treze de Maio Square.
City: Mossoró
9/7 – Rally at 6.30 a.m., followed by a political act at the civic parade next to the Pedro Ciarline Multisport Gymnasium.