On Wednesday (23), President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva took part in the 16th BRICS Summit by videoconference and announced the motto for the next summit, to be held in 2025 under the presidency of Brazil: “Strengthening cooperation in the Global South for more inclusive and sustainable governance.”
During his statement in the plenary session of the summit's leaders, Lula advocated taxing the super-rich and fighting hunger, criticized Israel's war in the Middle East and warned against climate change.
According to him, “there is no doubt” that the rich countries bear the greatest responsibility for the world's climate problems.
“BRICS is an unavoidable player in tackling climate change. There is no doubt that the greatest responsibility lies with the rich countries, whose history of emissions has culminated in the climate crisis we face today. We need to go beyond the promise of 100 billion dollars a year yet to be fulfilled and provide measures to monitor the commitments made,” he said.
The president recalled that Brazil will host the 2025 Climate Summit (COP) in the city of Belém, northern Brazil. “Scientific data show an unprecedented sense of urgency. The planet is one and its future depends on collective action. It's also up to the emerging countries to do their part,” he said.
Lula also mentioned Brazil's foreign policy within the framework of the Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty, setting the tone for Brazil's presidency of the bloc's summit next year. He announced the motto for the next meeting: “Strengthening Global South Cooperation for More Inclusive and Sustainable Governance."
“The BRICS is an unavoidable player in tackling climate change. There is no doubt that the greatest responsibility lies with the rich countries, whose history of emissions has culminated in the climate crisis that afflicts us today. We need to go beyond the 100 billion a year pledged but not fulfilled and provide measures to monitor the commitments made,” he said.
The president recalled that Brazil will host the 2025 Climate Summit (COP) in Belém (PA). “The scientific data express an unprecedented sense of urgency. The planet is one, and its future depends on collective action. It's also up to the emerging countries to do their part,” he said.
Lula also pointed to Brazil's foreign policy activities within the framework of the Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty, setting the tone for Brazil's presidency of the summit in 2025. He announced the motto for the next meeting: “Strengthening Global South Cooperation for More Inclusive and Sustainable Governance."
According to the president, Brazil’s leadership of BRICS will be guided by the defense of a multipolar world with “less asymmetrical relations between countries.”
“In the Brazilian presidency of the BRICS, we want to reaffirm the bloc's vocation to fight for a multipolar world and less asymmetrical relations between countries. We cannot accept the imposition of apartheid in access to vaccines and medicines, as has happened in the pandemic, nor in the development of artificial intelligence, which is heading towards becoming the privilege of a few,” he added.
Commenting on the crisis in the Middle East, Lula cited the speech by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who told during the UN General Assembly that the Gaza Strip had become “the world’s largest cemetery of children and women.”
“This senselessness is now spreading to the West Bank and Lebanon. Avoiding an escalation and starting peace negotiations is also crucial in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia,” he added.
On Sunday (20), the Brazilian president canceled his trip to Russia at the last minute after a domestic accident. Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira is leading the Brazilian delegation in Kazan.