World Bicycle Day is celebrated on June 3. The date was established by the United Nations (UN) in 2018 to raise awareness of the various social benefits of using bikes for commuting and leisure.
Given the current pandemic context, this popular means of transportation has also been used as an ally in the prevention of covid-19 in Pernambuco. That's because the Solidarity Hands campaign created the "Bikes for Healthcare," a communication tool for popular health agents to bring information and recommendations about the coronavirus to the largest number of people within the communities.
According to Mrs. Joana, a popular health agent in the neighborhood of Peixinhos, on the outskirts of Olinda, the aim of the "Bicycles for Healthcare" is to bring adequate, safe, and accessible information to the population that lives in the outskirts of the city.
"It is a form of communication built by the people for the people of the community themselves. The "Bikes for Healthcare" is a project to combat hegemonic forms of communication, to combat the spread of fake news, which only aggravates the pandemic in the country."
To reach even more territories with important messages on the quarantine and the virus, the Solidarity Hands project is receiving donations of used bicycles. With this help, they hope to reach as many communities as possible. For more information about donating bicycles or any financial contribution, one can contact them by WhatsApp through the number +55 (81) 98182-8197.
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