This week, in What’s Happening in Brazil, we take a look at the recent countrywide protests demanding Jair Bolsonaro’s removal. In major cities all over Brazil, hundreds of thousands took to the streets calling for the president’s impeachment for his handling of the pandemic and other crimes committed by his administration.
In other news, we will also investigate the existence of a shadow advisory council, that has been guiding the governmental response to the gravest health crisis in the country’s history. Comprised of doctors, entrepreneurs and people close to the president, the so called “Parallel Cabinet” has been on the center stage of the Parliamentary commission charged with overseeing the Bolsonaro administration’s handling of the covid-19 outbreak.
Furthermore, we will be reporting on the rise of conflicts over land in Brazil, where it is estimated that 1 million people are currently involved in such disputes. In some cases the government itself is the aggressor, and those who suffer are mainly indigenous, Quilombola and other traditionalist communities.
In our Culture Talk segment, we will introduce you to the band Macumbia, which is made up of musicians from all over the Americas, and seeks to integrate musical genres from all over the continent into a common thread that is fun to dance to.
Finally, as is tradition on our show, we wrap things up with our Brazilianism segment, where we will teach you a delicious local recipe and showcase quality Brazilian music. Enjoy!
All What's Happening in Brazil episodes are available at Brasil de Fato's YouTube channel, where you'll also find a special English-content playlist. Partners who wish to include a longer version of the show in their schedule may contact our international team at [email protected] or send a WhatsApp message to +55 11 993 055 156. For more news about Brazil and our region, visit our website.