President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (Workers' Party) reached the highest level of confidence among Brazilians since 2012, as shown by the Social Confidence Index (ICS), carried out since 2009 by Intelligence in Research and Strategic Consulting (IPEC) using the same methodology. It is worth remembering that the former president, Bolsonaro, was the first not to be re-elected since the Brazilian redemocratization in 1985.
Lula scored 50 points on a scale from zero (no confidence) to one hundred (high confidence), according to a poll released on Tuesday, July 18. This is nine points more than what was recorded in 2022, the last year of Jair Bolsonaro's government (Liberal Party).
Among voters in the Northeast [Brazilian region where Lula has the highest approval ratings], confidence in President Lula is 66 points, the highest score ever recorded. On the other hand, among voters from classes A and B, only 39 points were recorded. Also among evangelicals, the score was lower than overall: 43 points. These last two groups were the ones who mostly voted for Bolsonaro in last year's elections.
As for the federal administration itself, the score is also higher than that recorded at the beginning of the previous government. The current survey registers 52 points, five more than what was recorded in 2022 and two above what was recorded in 2019, the first year of Bolsonaro’s term.
:: 'Tem ministros que não são trocáveis', diz Lula em referência a Nísia Trindade ::
In total, 2,000 Brazilians were interviewed in person in 127 municipalities between July 1st and 5th. The error margin is two percentage points above or below the total sample result. The confidence interval is 95%.
Balance sheet of the governments
According to the Datafolha Institute, in a stable scenario, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has 37% approval and 27% disapproval. These numbers were released close to completing six months of his term, showing fluctuations within the margin of error in his approval rate.
After nearly six months in office, President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva's approval rating remains stable. According to a survey released by Datafolha this Saturday, July 17, 37% of respondents consider the government excellent or good, while 27% evaluate it as bad or terrible. Another 33% see management as regular, and 3% did not respond.
Comparing these numbers with the previous survey carried out by the same institute in March, we can observe variations that are within the margin of error. At that time, 38% of respondents considered the government excellent or good, 29% classified it as bad or terrible, and 30% saw it as fair.