One year ago today, the small town of Brumadinho and several cities down the Paraopeba River were ravaged by billions of gallons of toxic sludge that poured from a collapsed tailings dam. Now, Vale, the mining giant that operated the dam, is cutting emergency relief payments in half for thousands of locals. This week’s episode of What’s Happening in Brazil features the first installment of our three-part special on the aftermath of the disaster.
Brasil de Fato’s weekly show also reports on the backlash provoked by Brazil’s Culture secretary after he posted a video on social media in which he paraphrased the Nazi Germany’s propaganda chief, Joseph Goebbels. We also report on the legal persecution against journalist Glenn Greenwald, who exposed authorities involved in Operation Car Wash.
For this episode’s Culture Talk, we spoke with Iasmin Turbininha, the first Brazilian funk female DJ coming from a slum community. She talked about how the baile funk scene is finally being appreciated and how important it can be for kids who live in favelas.
The show wraps up with a delicious Italian-Brazilian recipe: tortelli stuffed with mandioquinha purée and shrimp sauce.
Watch the show:
All What's Happening in Brazil episodes are available at Brasil de Fato's YouTube channel, where you'll also find a special English-content playlist.
Partners who wish to include a longer version of the show in their schedule may contact our international team at [email protected] or send a WhatsApp message to +55 11 993 055 156.
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