This week on What’s Happening in Brazil, we report on a high-profile police operation that resulted in the death of militiaman connected to one of president Jair Bolsonaro’s son. Adriano Nóbrega had been at large for more than a year and was mentioned in a money embezzlement investigation involving senator Flávio Bolsonaro.
The episode also reports on the meeting between Pope Francis and Brazil’s ex-president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, which took place on Thursday at the Vatican.
The Culture Talk installment features interviews with a theater troupe of trans artists who use their craft to address gender and human rights issues.
The Story of the Week is about how mining operations conducted by Braskem in the city of Maceió, northeastern Brazil, are posing life-threatening risk to four communities.
And finally, this week, Brazilianism will show you how easy it is to make a classic Brazilian cachaça and lime cocktail.
All What's Happening in Brazil episodes are available at Brasil de Fato's YouTube channel, where you'll also find a special English-content playlist.
Partners who wish to include a longer version of the show in their schedule may contact our international team at [email protected] or send a WhatsApp message to +55 11 993 055 156.
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