Direitos Humanos Amazônia Nova regra do Pará facilita garimpo na área de proteção mais devastada do país
Brazil EXCLUSIVE French group sold agribusiness insurance for soybean plantations on Indigenous lands in southern Brazil
Climate CLIMATE CHANGE Research found that 61% of the Pantanal biome became dry before the current wildfires
Brazil BARBARIC CRIME Bruno and Dom two years later: Javari Valley awaits trial and praises their legacy
Climate MAXIMUM TRAGEDY ‘Minimal state allowed the mud to reach my house,’ says a victim of the floods in Rio Grande do Sul
English NATIVE PEOPLES Dam project threatens Indigenous rituals, hunting areas, and even gravesites in the Tenharim Marmelos Indigenous Land
Direitos Humanos ESPERANÇA Tragédia faz emergir solidariedade em bairro ‘esquecido’ de Porto Alegre (RS)