Bolivian vice president reflects on the role of racial hatred in the coup which forced him and Evo Morales out of office
Number of areas impacted could be bigger, as new reports of oil stains emerged over the weekend
250,000 people gathered to hear the ex-president who was released from prison on November 8
Paramilitary group remained inside the embassy for more than 12 hours
Argentine sociologist Atilio Boron offers an important reflection on the coup in Bolivia
Participants of the fourth panel addressed internationalism and solidarity between the people of different countries
Two-day event was held in Brasília before the BRICS Summit where heads of governments will meet
Indian historian Vijay Prashad writes about what could be behind the overthrowing of Bolivian president Evo Morales
This morning’s discussion panel addressed the challenges of the people’s struggles amid international capitalist crisis
Max Blumenthal spoke to Brasil de Fato about the "unusual" accusations he faced after defending Venezuelan embassy