Former president points out that "it is necessary to give hope to the people that another Brazil is possible"
Community leaders ask for more information on the expansion of the Minas-Rio mining project
According to experts, the mining company uses strategies to isolate and criminalize those who can threaten its expansion
The report also found that activists have been targeted by systematic surveillance, arbitrary arrests and violence.
The Brazilian government prepares to lift mining restrictions on more than 400 national and state parks.
At least ten impeachment requests have already been filed since the hush money scandal broke on May 18.
After supporting Roussef's impeachment, media conglomerate orchestrates the exit of Temer and bets on indirect elections
In a demonstration, former president criticizes Lava Jato Operation and calls for a fair trial
This week marks the launch of the MST's second national food fair which seeks to strengthens urban-rural links in Brazil
An estimated 35 million workers are expected to miss work as part of the country's first national strike since 1996.