How Brazil became a target for dollar speculation
The price of the US dollar on the domestic market rose 27.4% last year
Leia maisDetailsThe price of the US dollar on the domestic market rose 27.4% last year
Leia maisDetailsThe US president-elect had threatened to tax BRICS 100% if the group created a new currency
Leia maisDetailsThe US currency soar from BRL 4.85 to BRL 5.75 on Monday (5)
Leia maisDetailsDespite Brazil's Constitution determining the implementation of taxes on big fortunes, it was never put in place
Leia maisDetailsThe neoliberal package, expressed in the current siege suffocating the Lula government, has succeeded
Leia maisDetailsThe US currency rose 17% this year in the country, but has fallen 3.5% in three days
Leia maisDetailsRise in the dollar boosts political action for cuts in social spending, ignoring positive indicators of Brazil
Leia maisDetailsThe declaration was made in an interview with Sociedade Radio, on Tuesday morning (2)
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