Forest preservation is more profitable than deforestation
Brazilian institute study considered gains from extractive activities, sustainable management, and carbon credits
Leia maisDetailsBrazilian institute study considered gains from extractive activities, sustainable management, and carbon credits
Leia maisDetailsBrazil laments US withdrawal from agreement to curb climate change, but says decision 'can be circumvented'
Leia maisDetailsTo Márcio Astrini, the conference is difficult, but the country has been reaching goals and and may lead the agenda
Leia maisDetailsNBD president highlights Belt and Road advantages and says the bank must expand and focus more on the environment
Leia maisDetailsThere are also worries about the possibility of the fires reaching the Pantanal biome
Leia maisDetailsAccording to the Natural Disaster Monitoring Center (Cemaden), Brazil faces its worst drought in recent history
Leia maisDetailsDubbed 'Day of fire,' actions planned by large estate owners in the state of Pará destroyed forest areas
Leia maisDetailsTo BdF, Llorca Vega said that money gained from oil helped develop society and strengthen the defense of the environment
Leia maisDetailsFederal deputies defend the end of the Soy Moratorium, which prevents the purchase of soy produced in deforested areas
Leia maisDetailsThere are concerns that the biome will repeat what was seen in 2020, a record year for fires
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