One month after Brazil’s Landless Rural Workers’ encampment massacre, masterminds are still unidentified
The attack on the Olga Benário settlement killed two people and injured six
Leia maisDetailsThe attack on the Olga Benário settlement killed two people and injured six
Leia maisDetailsThe Brazilian minister, Márcio Macêdo, believes the measure 'may end the hunger of 350 million people around the world'
Leia maisDetailsTo Márcio Astrini, the conference is difficult, but the country has been reaching goals and and may lead the agenda
Leia maisDetailsOn the other hand of the political scenario, Bolsonaro's far-right party also elected six mayors
Leia maisDetailsOn Saturday, the president met with Landless Rural Workers' representatives and listened to their demands
Leia maisDetailsGroups flooded the internet with memes associating Fernando Haddad with an alleged 'tax increase'
Leia maisDetailsWellington Dias talked to BdF about the difficulty in informing the population about the origin of social advancements
Leia maisDetailsThe movement's pre-candidates come from 12 political parties. Most of them – 215 – are from the Workers' Party
Leia maisDetailsIn a previous survey, released on May 8, the percentage was 50%
Leia maisDetailsIn an interview with Brasil de Fato, the Workers' Party member said he would like to run for federal deputy
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